Saturday, January 1, 2011

My goals for this blog

I must first give a shout out to my dear friend Janna for recommending I start this blog.

I facebook, I tweet, I text, I blog--but very rarely about things that are very close to my heart. I keep a lot of secrets and put on an act most of the time. Laughter and sarcasm are the crutches I use to hide how ashamed I am of my body. I try to hide my insecurities, and it ends up eating me up inside.

This blog is the place where I can be myself...the good, the bad, and the ugly...while I make the journey to become who I want to be.

I can't wait to make new friends, and learn from people much wiser than myself. I look forward to having accountability and support because I know I can't do this on my own.


Janna said...

you will ALWAYS have my support and friendship! And I am so glad you now have a place to be you!


Angela Power said...

Oh do YOU have a big year in store for you! :-)

The support through blogging is not to be matched anywhere that I have found. Feel free to express yourself in however you choose. Before blogging, I had no idea that writing would become a part of who I am.

Welcome to this wonderful community!

Mamarazzi said...

Janna sent me over. i will try to remember to come by often. but the best way to get me here is to visit me, i always follow people who comment back to their blogs and leave a little love. there are days where it takes me a little while to get over but it is my goal to reciprocate as best as i can.

OH and if you have your email enabled i always reply to comments via email as well.

looking forward to following your journey.

Ak said...

Good luck on your journey! Looking forward to following and cheering you on!

Jaime said...

Hurrah! Welcome!