Saturday, January 1, 2011

My goals for 2011

My biggest goal is always to lose weight. The problem is that I am constantly starting "tomorrow". If I had really started "tomorrow", I wouldn't have spent the last 7 years of my life 100+ lbs overweight!! :)

I have plenty of baggage and hang-ups (most of which I can attribute to my ex husband) and I'm pretty sick of it! I am 28 years young and don't want to go into my 30's living the way that I am. Here are a few of my goals, and how I plan to accomplish them:

Daily Goals
* Track everything I eat and focus more on whole foods. No more sneaking around and inappropriately snacking between meals. If I slip up, I need to admit it.
* Be in bed by 11pm and up 30 minutes earlier. This will give me time to prepare breakfast and healthy snacks, as well as actually put my makeup on before work.
* Watch less TV and spend much less time in front of my computer every night. Instead I will fill my evenings with:
-getting organized/de-junking
-reading more books (emphasis on self-help/weight loss)
-working out
-practicing the piano/violin

Weekly Goals
* Attend a Weight Watchers meeting and weigh in weekly. Luckily I have my good friend Janna to go with me!
* Be more active! My mini-goal is to do a workout video 5 times a week after work. Right now I only have one video I can do, but I'm on the lookout for others. I want to get in a habit of making exercise a priority so I can start doing more intense workouts. I also have a xbox kinect, an elliptical machine, and weights that I want to be able to use.
* Plan a list and grocery shop after Weight Watchers every week. I'm always the most motivated after meetings and this will help me keep stocked with fresh fruits/vegetables for the week.
* Try at least one new healthy recipe a week. My boyfriend also struggles with his weight and has various health issues because of it. I don't mind redundancy with breakfast/lunch/snacks, but I get bored at dinner time if I eat the same stuff. 
* Set aside time with my boyfriend for a date on the weekend. Aim for outdoorsy activities (with our dog) rather than eating out.

Monthly Goals
* Buy a little something (non-food) for myself once a month. Whether it's a new outfit, jewelry, book, etc. I reward myself too much with food and if I added up all those $5.00 splurges, I could actually treat myself to something nice!
* Take a weight-loss picture to document my progress.

(Super) Long Term Goals
* Reach my goal weight
* Leave the past alone
* Determine what I want to be when I grow up and go back to school accordingly
* Become happy with myself


Janna said...

A great list! I am so proud to be your friend! THIS is OUR YEAR!

Can't wait to see you tomorrow night :)

Brittany said...

Great goals! I love them... keep it up! I'll be moving to ATX soon and may go to whatever WW's meeting ya'll do!

Angela Power said...

Wow, you have definitely set up an plan for SUCCESS!!!

I'm right along with you!!

Ak said...

Leaving the past alone is a good goal- it's hard to do that sometimes, but letting go can be so liberating.

If you're looking for workout DVDs, I recommend 30 Day Shred!

ElleBee said...

Great plans and goals!! Losing weight is definitely not easy but it's worth it in so many ways.

Good luck! :)